Welcome to the
Believers United Christian Church

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We Give God All the Glory!

We believe the ONLY way to the Father is through the Son.

We are a MEAT teaching Church, if you are looking for milk, you will not find it here.

We teach only from the Word, nothing will be added nor taken away.

Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away  his part from the Book  of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

If you are looking for a Spirit Filled,
On Fire place to Worship your God,
Believers United is the Place for you.
We are a come as you are church of Christ.

*Please join us on Sunday mornings to bring
Praise to our God.
We will sing Praise and Worship Him,
and then listen to His written Word.

*Please see statement regarding services below.

We are located in the Adirondack Mountains.
We are a born again, spirit filled church.
We love the Lord and believe he loves us all.
It is up to us to come to the Lord and commit our lives to Him.
As we continue to grow in the Lord we will see our lives change.
As our lives change, so will the lives of those around us.
As they see the changes in us, they will want the Joy we have.
It is up to us to share the Name of Jesus and bring them to share our Joy.
The more we Praise our God, the closer we come to Him.
We must learn to Praise the Lord each and every day.
We must Praise Him in good times and in troubling times.
Only through Jesus we will go to the Father.
We believe our time here is short, that Jesus will come soon.
We must all be living Godly lives, expecting our Savior everyday.
We must have our lanterns full, lit, trimmed and be ready for the Trump to sound.
Jesus loves you and wants you to join him in the air on the day of our Rapture.
Please, if you have not taken Jesus as your Personal Savior, do it today.

We are a Non-denomination Home Church.
We have moved and are not having weekly service at this time.

Please check back for information when we find a building large enough to worship in comfortably.
If you have any questions, ideas for a suitable place of worship, wish to talk to us,
or need prayer, go to our Contact Us page for information.

Our Brothers and Sisters in Charlottesville, VA
The B.D. Hyman Ministry